Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don’t Copy Another Agent’s Annuity Marketing Plan – Do it Yourself

Don’t Copy Another Agent’s Annuity Marketing Plan – Do it Yourself

Amplify’d from

As a small boy my mother would often ask why I did something. Of course the answer was because my friends had done it. Her answer was always “if they jumped off the roof would you”? Now if we ask ourselves the same question about our marketing plan, does it deserve the same answer? I am doing what the home office says to do so does that mean I am jumping off their roof?

Marketing for annuity leads can be very tricky. Tricky in the sense that not knowing what is the best use of my marketing budget. If the home office says to run an ad in the newspaper, does that really work for me?
Click on this link : Endless Annuity Lead Flow, to discover a lead generation program that will teach you how to get more annuity leads than you can possibly handle!

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